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Circle M

Impacts Entire Province

RADF Investment: $313,313

Other Investment: $586,442

Total Investment: $899,755

Project Period: June 2009–August 2013

Community Development Community Development
Economic Development Economic Development
Education Education

T: 306.966.7864
E: [email protected]

Project Description

This non-denominational program uses online tools and the under-utilized infrastructure and capacity of rural churches as a basis for training local citizens in peer mentorship, crisis intervention, and economic development. This leadership training program is specifically tailored for rural communities with populations under 10,000. A parallel program is operating in Saskatchewan with the support of Saskatchewan investors. The Rural Alberta Development Fund's investment launched the program in Alberta through local community organizations in Camrose, Millet, New Brigden, Oyen, and Wainwright.

Expected Outcomes and Benefits

All projects go through a selection process to ensure they will improve the quality of life for Albertans. This project meets this objective through the following outcomes and benefits:

  • Establish community leadership programs in several rural communities in Alberta
  • Create three training programs, an online resource centre, and a fund development and management program
  • Increase participation through additional partnerships with other organizations
  • Grow leaders at home and utilize local churches